Would You like to know more About Walk to Emmaus?

Everybody is Welcome

Emmaus is for the development of Christian disciples who wish to strengthen their spiritual lives. Hopefully you are committed to the lordship of Christ and you may understand that being a Christian involves responsibility. Yet you may have unanswered questions about prayer, study and sharing your faith. No matter where you are in your personal walk with Christ, the Walk to Emmaus is a safe retreat where you will find a community of friends who are seeking a deeper understanding of that every day walk.  Come and grow your faith with us.

We invite you to join in a refreshing. exciting, and joyous weekend spent meeting Jesus as He comes to you through other Christians.

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Interested persons must be sponsored by someone who has attended an Emmaus Walk. An application must be completed and signed by a minister. Participants can secure applications from this website or from a friend who wishes to sponsor you.

The Purpose

The focus of Emmaus is God as known in Jesus Christ, and how that finds expression in the local church. The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge attendees (pilgrims) and to equip church members for Christian action in their homes, churches and place of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled life to be lived and shared with others.  If you come and remain in the community you will be taught by example how to be a spirit led church leader.  This is a ministry of Christian spiritual development and leadership development which can enrich your life and your local church.

A Spiritual Retreat

The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience which takes a New Testament look at Christianity as a lifestyle. The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual walk, not a physical walk. Combining efforts of laity and clergy, Emmaus is designed to strengthen and renew one’s faith and the local church through the development of Christian disciples.

This spiritual walk is a 72-hour experience. The weekend begins on Thursday evening and ends late Sunday afternoon. You live and study together in singing, prayer, worship and discussion. Discussions center around 15 distinct and different ‘talks’ given by laity and clergy. You’ll discover how God’s grace can be real in your life, the Christian community and the world. You’ll also discover how you can live in the life of grace by bringing God’s grace to others. You will have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to begin to understand more fully the presence of Christ in the body of believers. You will experience God’s grace personally through the prayers and acts of service of a living support community.

When you go, you will be part of a group attending with women or men pilgrims.  There will be a five clergy, some who are men and some women.  You will be assigned to a small group (table), who will discuss talks, study, pray, and  have fun together, and the meals are    especially good.

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For most people; new friendships, inspiring talks, Bible Study, laughter, frolics, much singing, worship, and plans to meet again create a joyous cloud on which most practically float home.

Info More in Depth:  “What is Emmaus?” a booklet from the Upper Room

What Emmaus Is and Is Not

Article on Emmaus a Road to Spiritual Health



Originating in Spain in the late 1940s, this Catholic spiritual walk called Cursillo made its movement into Protestant faiths. In 1981, by mutual agreement between the Roman Catholic Cursillo movement and the Upper Room (a unit of the Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church), the name of the Protestant community was changed to Emmaus. The Emmaus movement is ecumenical and has spread around the world.  Local communities put on the spiritual retreats for adults, college age adults, youth, and prison inmates.  Some other denominations sponsor their own Emmaus walks and have a different name for them.


Introduction to Walk to Emmaus, By The Upper Room

Walk to Emmaus: A Faith Journey

Website Information and articles:

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