Please keep the walks in your prayers and begin thinking about who might enjoy this incredible experience and the closeness to God that a walk brings to your life.
Prayer Joys and Concerns: There are many people that require prayers right now that we have not been notified of. Please pray for all those who need the Lord’s presence and healing touch.
If you have any prayer concerns that you would like to lift up to the community, please send them to and I will see that they are in the monthly emails.
If you have any prayer concerns that you would like to lift up to the community, please send them to and I will see that they are in the monthly emails.
If there is something that you would like to know about, have information on or you have an article that you would like to have considered for the monthly emails, please send them to We would love to have your input. For more information, visit our website at or our Emmaus page on Facebook. If you change your email address or have prayer request that you would like mentioned, please notify us at
Please try to attend a Gathering if you have not been to any this past year. Please come and fellowship and renew friendships as we put forth every effort to help believers in their own private walks with the Jesus Christ, to continue to mature by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our next Gathering will take place at the Rhome, UMC on September First (1st), 2018 @ 6:30pm
Pot Luck dinner, bring something or not… to precede worship service at our Gatherings.
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