We are all aware that God’s plans don’t always coincide with ours
Please continue to pray for our community and for our future walks. When I was asked to send out an email asking for prayers about this walk, I decided to count just how many community members I send messages to and I currently have 324 email addresses. This is just the number of people that have attended the last 11 walks, their team members and those who have asked to be on the list. I have a list of over 2000 Red River Community members, but just do not have their email addresses.
This makes me wonder why we have such a difficult time filling our teams and walks. At one time, we had so many people asking to attend walks that they were always full and we had people that were waiting until the next opening.
Our community is full of wonderful people who have a great desire to be part of and are doing God’s work. Our members truly are the hands and feet of God. I ask that you each try to make the Red River Emmaus Community part of your lives again. I would love to see our gathering so full again, that we have difficulty circling the room to sing our closing song.
Although it has been many years since I attended my walk and I dropped out of Emmaus for several years, I still feel that wonderful power of God at each walk I work and each gathering I attend. I have been a Christian my entire life, but I need that push from outside my church to remind me just how important it is to step outside my comfort zone and help other Christians and those who might not know just how much God loves us all. Emmaus does that for me. I am far from perfect and have a lot of work still to do to be the Christian that I should be. I know that I have the support of the caring members of the Emmaus Community to help me on my journey.
I ask that each of you please consider the work that Emmaus does and the lives that we touch, not only in our community, but around the world.
We would love to see all of your each month! We miss those who are not there.
De Colores
Kathy Rice