Walk Info. . .

There are walks in the planning stages 

We are also working with the Denton Area Emmaus Community and the Texhoma Emmaus Community to work together with persons who are interested in experiencing an Emmaus Walk that might be located near those locations.

We plan walks each year in our community. Currently we are working to provide summer Chrysalis Flights for youth. Our community also supports walks in our local prison through a related ministry, Kairos Prison Ministry

.Please try to attend one of the Gatherings, found elsewhere on this site, prior to a walk to receive pertinent information. Please pray about sponsoring someone to attend a walk and locate, elsewhere on this site, forms for a participant, sponsor and additional information.

If you are interested in attending a walk or wishing to be able to ‘work’ a walk, please let a board member, or someone in your church who has already attended, know of your wishes, or find elsewhere on this site an email address to communicate that wish to the Red River Community.





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